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from cinderclient import api_versions from cinderclient import client from cinderclient.v3 import attachments from cinderclient.v3 import availability_zones from cinderclient.v3 import capabilities from cinderclient.v3 import cgsnapshots from cinderclient.v3 import clusters from cinderclient.v3 import consistencygroups from cinderclient.v3 import group_snapshots from cinderclient.v3 import group_types from cinderclient.v3 import groups from cinderclient.v3 import limits from cinderclient.v3 import messages from cinderclient.v3 import pools from cinderclient.v3 import qos_specs from cinderclient.v3 import quota_classes from cinderclient.v3 import quotas from cinderclient.v3 import resource_filters from cinderclient.v3 import services from cinderclient.v3 import volume_backups from cinderclient.v3 import volume_backups_restore from cinderclient.v3 import volume_encryption_types from cinderclient.v3 import volume_snapshots from cinderclient.v3 import volume_transfers from cinderclient.v3 import volume_type_access from cinderclient.v3 import volume_types from cinderclient.v3 import volumes from cinderclient.v3 import workers
class Client(object): """Top-level object to access the OpenStack Volume API.
Create an instance with your creds::
Then call methods on its managers::
>>> client.volumes.list() ... """
def __init__(self, username=None, api_key=None, project_id=None, auth_url='', insecure=False, timeout=None, tenant_id=None, proxy_tenant_id=None, proxy_token=None, region_name=None, endpoint_type='publicURL', extensions=None, service_type='volumev3', service_name=None, volume_service_name=None, bypass_url=None, retries=0, http_log_debug=False, cacert=None, auth_system='keystone', auth_plugin=None, session=None, api_version=None, logger=None, **kwargs): password = api_key self.version = '3.0' self.limits = limits.LimitsManager(self) self.api_version = api_version or api_versions.APIVersion(self.version)
self.volumes = volumes.VolumeManager(self) self.volume_snapshots = volume_snapshots.SnapshotManager(self) self.volume_types = volume_types.VolumeTypeManager(self) self.group_types = group_types.GroupTypeManager(self) self.volume_type_access = \ volume_type_access.VolumeTypeAccessManager(self) self.volume_encryption_types = \ volume_encryption_types.VolumeEncryptionTypeManager(self) self.qos_specs = qos_specs.QoSSpecsManager(self) self.quota_classes = quota_classes.QuotaClassSetManager(self) self.quotas = quotas.QuotaSetManager(self) self.backups = volume_backups.VolumeBackupManager(self) self.messages = messages.MessageManager(self) self.resource_filters = resource_filters.ResourceFilterManager(self) self.restores = volume_backups_restore.VolumeBackupRestoreManager(self) self.transfers = volume_transfers.VolumeTransferManager(self) self.services = services.ServiceManager(self) self.clusters = clusters.ClusterManager(self) self.workers = workers.WorkerManager(self) self.consistencygroups = consistencygroups.\ ConsistencygroupManager(self) self.groups = groups.GroupManager(self) self.cgsnapshots = cgsnapshots.CgsnapshotManager(self) self.group_snapshots = group_snapshots.GroupSnapshotManager(self) self.availability_zones = \ availability_zones.AvailabilityZoneManager(self) self.pools = pools.PoolManager(self) self.capabilities = capabilities.CapabilitiesManager(self) self.attachments = \ attachments.VolumeAttachmentManager(self)
if extensions: for extension in extensions: if extension.manager_class: setattr(self, extension.name, extension.manager_class(self))
self.client = client._construct_http_client( username=username, password=password, project_id=project_id, auth_url=auth_url, insecure=insecure, timeout=timeout, tenant_id=tenant_id, proxy_tenant_id=tenant_id, proxy_token=proxy_token, region_name=region_name, endpoint_type=endpoint_type, service_type=service_type, service_name=service_name, volume_service_name=volume_service_name, bypass_url=bypass_url, retries=retries, http_log_debug=http_log_debug, cacert=cacert, auth_system=auth_system, auth_plugin=auth_plugin, session=session, api_version=self.api_version, logger=logger, **kwargs)
def authenticate(self): """Authenticate against the server.
Normally this is called automatically when you first access the API, but you can call this method to force authentication right now.
Returns on success; raises :exc:`exceptions.Unauthorized` if the credentials are wrong. """ self.client.authenticate()
def get_volume_api_version_from_endpoint(self): return self.client.get_volume_api_version_from_endpoint()